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Introduction to Legal Research



Agencies within the executive branch of government pass laws called regulations. They clarify how agencies will execute and enforce laws passed by Congress. Current regulations are published in regulatory codes, such as the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), which are organized by subject. There are regulatory codes for federal regulations and different codes for each state. 

Finding Regulations

Federal Regulations:

Code of Federal Regulations: The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) annual edition is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the federal government. It is divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to federal regulation. 

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations: The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a web version of the CFR that is updated daily to better reflect its current status. The eCFR is an editorial compilation of CFR material and amendments published in the daily Federal Register.

Federal Register: The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents.


State of Texas Regulations: 

Texas Administrative Code: The Texas Administrative Code (TAC) is a compilation of all state agency rules in Texas. There are 17 titles in the TAC. Each title represents a subject category and related agencies are assigned to the appropriate title.

Understanding Regulation Citations

Within the Code of Federal Regulations and the Federal Register, citations for regulations are similar, but not exact. Researchers will need to understand the meaning of both citations to find the necessary regulations.


Citations within the Federal Register:

44 Fed. Reg. 29375 (May 18, 1979)

The above citation refers to the regulation found in volume 44, page 29375 of the Federal Register, issued for May 18, 1979. 


Citations within the Code of Federal Regulations:

42 C.F.R. § 124.501 (1991)

The above citation refers to the rule found in Title 42, Section 124.501, of the 1991 edition of the Code of Federal Regulations.