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Data, Datasets, and Statistics

Recommended resources and information on data, datasets, and statistics.

General Repositories


This page provides links to sources of general data repositories located beyond the University of Texas at Dallas.  Links to other data repositories can be found through the navigation tabs.



  • DryadDryad is an open data publishing platform and a community committed to the open availability and routine re-use of all research data. Our vision is for a future in which the open availability and routine reuse of all research data enables the acceleration of discovery across domains and the translation of research into benefits for society worldwide. We advance our vision through our mission: to enable the open publication and routine reuse of all research data.


  • Figshare: Figshare is a repository where users can make all of their research outputs available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner.


  • Harvard DataverseThe Harvard Dataverse Repository is a free data repository open to all researchers from any discipline, both inside and outside of the Harvard community, where you can share, archive, cite, access, and explore research data. Each individual Dataverse collection is a customizable collection of datasets (or a virtual repository) for organizing, managing, and showcasing datasets.



  • Open Science Framework (OSF)The Center for Open Science (COS) was founded in 2013 to start, scale, and sustain open research practices that will democratize access to research, improve inclusion of all stakeholders, enhance accountability to research integrity, facilitate the self-corrective process of science, expand transparency and sharing of all research content, and improve research rigor and reproducibility.


  • Zenodo:  Zenodo allows researchers to deposit research papers, data sets, research software, reports, and any other research related digital artefacts.