Students, professors, staff, and other community members at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) have access to several datasets most pertinent to academic offerings within the Naveen Jindal School of Management at UTD. A LibGuide devoted to these datasets can be found here.
In addition, the Eugene McDermott Library has made available other datasets through ICMA (International City/County Management Association). ICMA’s vision is to be the leading association of local government professionals dedicated to creating and supporting thriving communities throughout the world.
The datasets listed below are for use in the Economics Computer Lab within Cecil H. Green Hall at UTD.
- Alternative Service Delivery 2017: Full Dataset: This ICMA signature survey, conducted every five years, examines the service delivery choices, practices, and policies of local governments. Survey topics covered include adopting, evaluating private service delivery and obstacles in private service delivery.
- Government Technology Solutions 2017 Survey: This survey was conducted to assess the information technology and e-government solutions being used by local governments. Topics covered include services offered electronically, technology solutions in use, IT department structure, and more.
- Municipal Form of Government 2018: Full Dataset: ICMA’s Municipal Form of Government survey has been conducted nine times since 1974 and is the most comprehensive resource available on form of government, provisions for referenda or recall, terms of office, mayoral powers, and other data pertaining to the structure of local government in the United States.
In addition, members of the UTD community can access a CD-Rom edition of ICMA Datasets. Use of this item is restricted to within the Eugene McDermott Library.