This page provides links to sources of data, datasets, and statistics devoted to elections and made available through U.S. Government agencies, nonprofit entities, and international organizations. Links to other datasets and statistics can be found through the navigation tabs.
- America Votes: Includes official, state-certified election returns and key data by county and by district for the House, Senate, and gubernatorial elections for the election cycle covered.
- American Presidency Project: The goal of the American Presidency Project is to be recognized as the authoritative, non-partisan on-line source for presidential public documents. By providing easy access to useful information, it seeks to promote a more informed citizenry of the United States, high quality scholarly and media analysis, and a better understanding of American democracy throughout the world.
- Federal Election Commission: The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has compiled the following data about elections and voting. The FEC administers federal campaign finance laws; however, it has no jurisdiction over the laws relating to voting, voter fraud and intimidation, election results or the Electoral College. Elections are primarily governed by state law and administered at the state and local level.
- National Archives: Historical Election Results: The Office of the Federal Register at the National Archives coordinates the functions of the Electoral College on behalf of the Archivist of the United States, the States, and the Congress. This site contains the electoral votes and popular votes from 1789 to the present.
- Texas Election Results/Data: Data from this website is provided through the Texas Secretary of State. The Secretary serves as Chief Election Officer for Texas, assisting county election officials and ensuring the uniform application and interpretation of election laws throughout Texas. The Office of the Secretary of State also provides a repository for official and business and commercial records required to be filed with the Office.