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Transformative Agreements in Publishing

SAGE Open Access (Read and Publish)

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SAGE Open Access (Read and Publish)


  • Article Processing Charge: Waived

Note: Visit page and publication charges for the short list of journals that require an additional charge to be paid by the author.

  • The author may choose from 200+ Gold OA journals, or opt to publish their article open access within any of SAGE's 1,000+ Hybrid subscription journals at no extra cost (The latter option, "SAGE Choice," allows the author a wider choice of journals while still adhering to possible open access mandates from their research funder.)
  • The author retains copyright control of their work. SAGE will publish your article under a CC BY-NC license, which allows others to reuse the work without permission as long as the work is properly referenced and the use is non-commercial. Authors whose funder requires publication under a CC BY license (okay for commercial reuse) may do so.
  • For authors who choose a hybrid journal (SAGE Choice): SAGE will post to PubMed Central (PMC) or its international equivalents, such as Europe PMC or PMCI, on behalf of authors whose research funder requires it.


To be eligible, articles must:
  • Have a corresponding author affiliated with The University of Texas at Dallas
  • Be original research
  • Have manuscript accepted for publication
  • Be accepted for publication from 1 January 2023


Eligible journals:
  • Gold Open Access Journals (fully open) - Visit the SAGE Journal Packages webpage and click "Gold OA Package" for the current list.
  • Hybrid Open Access Journals (author opts to publish their article open access within journals that require subscriptions) - This option, "SAGE Choice," quadruples your choice of journals to publish in, while still enabling open access publishing at no cost through UTD's agreement, and 2) compliance with your funder, if they require open access to your paper. Visit the SAGE Journal Packages webpage and click "Premier" under "Browse by Package" for the most up-to-date list of eligible journals.

The following Gold Open Access journals - and any new Gold OA journals that may launch in the coming year - are NOT eligible for the Article Processing Charge (APC) discount in 2025:

  • Annals of Neurosciences
  • Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
  • Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India
  • Pharmacognosy Magazine
  • Traumaxilla, The
  • Vikalpa


"Where do I begin?"

Follow the usual manuscript submission process. Within a few days of your submission being accepted and passing the peer review process, the corresponding UTD author will receive an email from with a subject line of ‘Choose the publication route for your article 10.XXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’. To request open access for your article, you must respond to this email.

Instructions for Gold Open Access Authors

Instructions for Hybrid Open Access (SAGE Choice) Authors