Cambridge Open Access (Read and Publish)
- Article Processing Charge: Waived*
- The author may choose to publish in Gold or Hybrid Open Access journals at no additional cost
- The author chooses any of 6 open access Creative Commons license to determine how it may be shared
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*A note regarding other author fees: Radiocarbon, Weed Science, and Invasive Plant Science have a ≤$65 page charge. About a third of the publications in this agreement have an optional $320 color charge on the print version of an article. This number is decreasing, as more journals transition to electronic-only or open access publication.
To be eligible, articles must:
- Have a corresponding author affiliated with The University of Texas at Dallas
- Be original research – eligible article types are research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports and case reports
- Have manuscript accepted for publication in a Cambridge University Press journal covered by the agreement
- Be accepted for publication from 1 January 2021