The purpose of this guide is to assist students, faculty, staff, and the community by providing information resources regarding the subject of history. Use the navigation tabs to explore the variety of available research materials and where to find them.
To get started right away, visit the McDermott Library homepage and scroll to find the resource search box. Using the default "Discover" tab, enter keywords that are relevant to your topic of interest then click the search button. A search limiters menu will appear with your results, giving you several options to filter for more specificity in materials such as desired format, publication date range, or online and peer reveiwed status.
Use the following Library of Congress Call Number ranges to locate physical materials in the Library's collections:
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History
D - World History: Europe, Asia, Africa, Austrialia, etc.
E and F - History of the Americas
This POWERSEARCH searches the following databases simultaneously: America: History & Life, Essay and General Literature Index, Essay and General Literature Retrospective,
Historical Abstracts, Humanities Full Text, Humanities International Index, Military & Government Collection, and Social Sciences Full Text.
Gale Primary Resources is a research tool that allows researchers to cross-search multiple primary source databases using a single search box. It includes the following databases: Archives Unbound, Eighteenth Century Collections Online, The Making of the Modern World, Nineteenth Century Collections Online, and Sabin Americana 1500-1926 as well as the historical archives of several major periodicals (The Economist, Punch, The Times and more). Each database can also be searched individually.
HathiTrust is a large digital library bringing together materials from sources including Google Books, the Internet Archive, and other commercial digitization projects. This resource is being expanded daily and provides information on more than 10 million volumes with more than a third of these available for full text access and download (primarily books and journals published before 1923 and U.S. Government publications).
JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources, with a broad variety of coverage in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, spanning more than 50 disciplines. Collections on JSTOR include the complete archival records of thousands of journal titles.
Note: As of August 1st, 2024, ARTSTOR is fully incorporated into JSTOR.