The Centre for Evidence Based Medicine provides tools for the critical appraisal of medical evidence. Includes downloadable critical appraisal worksheets for Systematic reviews, Diagnostics, Prognosis and RCTs.
CASP helps people to find and interpret the best available evidence from health research. Provides downloadable appraisal checklists for various study designs including Systematic reviews, RCTs, Cohort studies and Case control studies.
Toronto’s Knowledge Translation Program provides a number of tools to aid in the synthesis, dissemination and implementation of research. Build your skills with practice scenarios and find pocket cards and checklists for each of the five question types in EBP (Therapy, Diagnosis, Harm/Etiology, Prognosis, Prevention) here.
Lists a range of critical appraisal tools related to various types of studies including systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses.