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Dec 4, 2024 0

Showing 25 Databases

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This powerful resource from the American Psychological Association guides users who have questions about how to conduct research, structure their papers, and format what they write. Academic Writer’s self-paced learning modules, reference building tools, and guided writing center support libraries and writing centers to facilitate academic success by training students to build a strong writing foundation.

The APA PsycArticles database covers journal articles published by the American Psychological Association and other allied organizations. It contains all journal articles, letters to the editor and errata from more than 50 journals. Coverage extends more than 120 years, beginning in 1894.
APA PsycInfo is the premier index for researching psychological literature, including related fields such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, and others. APA PsycInfo indexes thousands of psychology journals, as well as appropriate book chapters, books and dissertations. The index starts in 1806 (1887 for journals) and is updated weekly.
  • E-book Resource

APA PsycNet contains eBooks published by the American Psychological Association.

APA PsycTests provides descriptive summaries, full text (if available), and relevant citations on the development and assessment of tests and measures that can be used in research and teaching. This repository includes unpublished tests, tests developed by psychologists for which no source documentation is available, and information about commercially published tests. Information on each test includes: data on the scope of the test, test implementation, a high-level overview of the test’s development, and reliability and validity data (when available). Coverage begins in 1910 and the database is updated monthly.
This database provides indexing from journals related to nursing and allied health professions.
Cochrane Library is a suite of databases that offer health care professionals and researchers a variety of systematic reviews and other synthesized research to inform evidence-based decisions and learning. Included here: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR); Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL); Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCA).

ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) is an index to both non-journal material (examples include lesson plans and reports) from Resources in Education (RIE) and an index to journal articles in the Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE). (ProQuest version)

  • Video Streaming Resource

For full access, click "Sign In" in the upper right corner and select "Continue with Single Sign-On (SSO)" on the next page. Then search for "University of Texas - Dallas" and go to login.

JoVE publishes the leading peer-reviewed, PubMed-indexed video methods journal. Articles consist of high-quality video demonstrations and detailed text protocols which facilitate scientific reproducibility and productivity. The scope of the journal includes novel techniques, innovative applications of existing techniques, and gold-standard protocols in the physical and life sciences. Video demonstrations cover a wide range of STEM subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Psychology, Clinical Medicine and Engineering.

Coming this Summer: Microeconomics

This database abstracts and indexes international journal articles, book reviews, books, book chapters, dissertations and working papers in the field of language sciences including the subjects of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
Medline encompasses information in the areas of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and more.
Mental Measurements Yearbook is a comprehensive guide to contemporary testing instruments within such diverse areas as psychology, education, business, and leadership.
The APA PsycArticles database covers journal articles published by the American Psychological Association and other allied organizations. It contains all journal articles, letters to the editor and errata from more than 50 journals. Coverage extends more than 120 years, beginning in 1894.
The Psychology and Behavioral Sciences collection provides indexing to hundreds of publications in psychology including topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, and observational and experimental methods. In addition to the full text, indexing and abstracts are provided for all journals in the collection. Full text information in this database dates as far back as 1965 and is updated daily.
APA PsycInfo is the premier index for researching psychological literature, including related fields such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, and others. APA PsycInfo indexes thousands of psychology journals, as well as appropriate book chapters, books and dissertations. The index starts in 1806 (1887 for journals) and is updated weekly.
  • E-book Resource

APA PsycNet contains eBooks published by the American Psychological Association.

APA PsycTests provides descriptive summaries, full text (if available), and relevant citations on the development and assessment of tests and measures that can be used in research and teaching. This repository includes unpublished tests, tests developed by psychologists for which no source documentation is available, and information about commercially published tests. Information on each test includes: data on the scope of the test, test implementation, a high-level overview of the test’s development, and reliability and validity data (when available). Coverage begins in 1910 and the database is updated monthly.
SAGE Research Methods Cases include more than 1100 case studies written by the researchers and discussing how actual research projects were conducted. They can be used to demonstrate particular methods and applications in research, or as examples to students preparing their research projects. The peer-reviewed cases show why the researchers chose the methods they did and how they overcame challenges in their research. Learning objectives and discussion questions are also included.
SAGE Research Methods Datasets is a collection of teaching datasets and instructional guides that are downloadable and indexed by method and data type. Professors can use the collection in classroom exercises or on exams, and students can practice data analysis independently as well.
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  • Video Streaming Resource
  • Audio Streaming Resource

SAGE Research Methods Online is a comprehensive resource for gathering information and assistance on research methodologies, from basic terminology to complex interactive maps depicting the relationships among different types of research methods. Access hundreds of online handbooks, dictionaries and encyclopedias, the entire "Little Green Book" and "Little Blue Book," journal articles, instructional videos, podcasts, and interactive research methods tools.

  • E-book Resource

Millions of publications from full-text journal articles to authoritative books. Journals are guided by eminent editorial boards and articles are rigorously peer-reviewed. Books on ScienceDirect cover multiple subject collections across disciplines such as physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences and humanities. 

**Note: This collection does not allow access to ALL the publisher's journals and books. Only the titles licensed are available.

SCOPUS provides scholarly and peer-reviewed articles in the natural sciences and social sciences, as well as business and management. For access, click the building icon in the upper right corner and enter "university of texas at dallas" when prompted for organization or email.
The Web of Science (Core Collection) includes access to these WoS databases:

-Science Citation Index Expanded 1900-present
-Social Sciences Citation Index 1900-present
-Arts and Humanities Citation Index 1975-present
-Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science 1990-present
-Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities 1990-present and
-Emerging Sources Citation Index 2015-present.

Select any or all of the databases to search simulateneously. WoS allows citation searching to determine which scholar is citing another scholar. Citation searching can also be used to determine how many times an article has been cited since it was published. This data is often used to determine the importance of the research and the pros and cons of the article.

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