There are roughly 20.5 million Open Access articles and 6,126 Open Access journals.
A partial listing of Open Access journals within the McDermott Library include:
Acta Mathematica; Algebraic Geometry; BMC Biology; BMC Molecular Biology; Canadian Journal of Bioethics; Cell Reports; Central European Journal of International and Security Studies; Chemical Science; Computational Linguistics; Conservation and Society; Cultural Anthropology; Digital Humanities Quarterly; Documenta Mathematica; Ecography; Ecology and Evolution; Ecology and Society; Educational Technology & Society; Engineering Reports; Frontiers in Psychology; Geologica Belgica; IEEE Access; Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research; Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance; Journal of International Students; Journal of Spatial Information Science; Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education; Logical Methods in Computer Science; Medieval Worlds; Molecules; New Journal of Physics; New York Journal of Mathematics; Open Astronomy; Open Engineering; Optica; Paladyn : journal of behavioural robotics; Philosophers' Imprint; Physical Review Research; Physical Review X; Plant Ecology and Evolution; Polymers; Reti Medievali Rivista; Royal Society Open Science; Science Advances; Science and Technology of Advanced Materials; Scientific Reports; Southern Spaces; Statistics Surveys; Theoretical Economics