Some instructors prepare a reading list of electronic materials such as book chapters and journal articles.
In most cases, your instructor will provide the URL to the reading list in E-Learning or in the course syllabus. Please note that only your instructor can give the password for access.
"E-Reserves" can also be accessed directly through the library homepage. Simply enter the Course Number, e.g. COMD 7323 into the Library Catalog search tab and click the search button.
You can search by your instructor's last name as well, but this can be somewhat ineffective with more common names.
In the search results, you will find a record with a title like the one shown below, ***Electronic Reserves for COMD 7323, Sweeney***
Click the the "Available online" link here, then click the Accept button on the following page. You will then be prompted for the password that your instructor gave you in order to access the readings.