Open Researcher and Contributer ID
ORCID is an organization that maintains ORCID iD, an unique identifier for researchers. This identifier helps connect researchers to their academic endeavors, be it a grant proposal, a formal publication, conference presentation, and more. Think of it similar to a DOI, but for researchers themselves. ORCID iD helps resolve some issues, such as name ambiguity, repetitive data entry, and lack of visibility. Anyone can benefit from using ORCID, no matter where in the world you're in or what discipline you work in.
This guide aims to help researchers learn more about ORCID iD, the reasons why they should register one, how to register for an ORCID iD, and what to do with it after registering.
You can learn more about ORCID on their website. Here's an ORCID iD profile from a UT Dallas faculty member as an example. For more information on their mission and values, click here and to learn about their privacy policy, click here.