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WRDS is an Internet-based data subscription service that is provided by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. The data available are mainly related to business and finance and WRDS hosts the major numeric data sets used by academic researc

Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)

Wharton Research Data Services

WRDS is an Internet-based data subscription service that is provided by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. The data available are mainly related to business and finance and WRDS hosts the major numeric data sets used by academic researchers. 

WRDS access is licensed for current UTD faculty and graduate students. Visitor accounts are available for visiting faculty (non-permanent or those on a limited appointment). These accounts are subject to additional review and may not be used after the visiting appointment ends.

To request an account, visit the WRDS registration page and click Register in the top-right corner of the page. Be sure to select University of Texas at Dallas in the Subscriber field.

McDermott Library personnel will verify your status with the university and approve your account access.

If you leave UTD and move to another university with WRDS access, we can transfer your account .

Datasets Available through WRDS

Third Party Datasets accessible through WRDS *Some may be partial access

Audit Analytics

Bank Regulatory



CBOE Indexes

Compustat-Capital IQ

Contributed Data at WRDS



DMEF Academic

Dow Jones

External Data sources

Fama French

Federal Judicial Center

Federal Reserve Bank Reports

Historical SPDJI



ISS: Institutional Shareholder Services

Macro Finance Society

Mergent FISD



Option Metrics

OTC Markets

Penn World Tables

Peters and Taylor Total Q

Philadelphia Stock Exchange

Public Data

Research Quotient

Revelio Labs

SEC Order Execution





WRDS Products

Efficient Frontier by WRDS

Event Study by WRDS

Financial Ratios Suite by WRDS

Intraday Indicators by WRDS

Linking Suite by WRDS

Option Suite by WRDS

WRDS Bond Returns

WRDS European Short Data

WRDS factors

World Indices by WRDS

WRDS Insiders Data

WRDS SEC Analytics Suite

WRDS US Patents

Venture Capital by WRDS

WRDS dataset Descriptions