Searches the following databases simultaneously: Applied Science & Technology Source,General Science Full Text (H.W. Wilson), Inspec, Inspec Archive - Science Abstracts 1898-1968, and Science & Technology Collection.
The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is a large reference source containing data and other information on multiple areas of Chemistry.
IEEE Xplore, produced by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, is ideal for conducting research in the field of electronics, electrical engineering, telecommunications, wireless communications, and computer engineering. It provides access to IEEE transactions, journals, magazines, and conference proceedings; IEEE-Wiley ebooks; as well as current IEEE standards (excluding "draft" standards).
Contains more than 4,000 downloadable PDF versions of books published by the National Academies Press. Titles cover many subjects including biology, computer science, mathematics, chemistry, and physics.
Millions of publications from full-text journal articles to authoritative books. Journals are guided by eminent editorial boards and articles are rigorously peer-reviewed. Books on ScienceDirect cover multiple subject collections across disciplines such as physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences and humanities.
**Note: This collection does not allow access to ALL the publisher's journals and books. Only the titles licensed are available.
The SPIE Digital Library is a collection of optics and photonics research, with papers spanning biomedicine, communication, sensors, manufacturing, electronics, energy, and imaging. It includes all SPIE proceedings back to 1962, all SPIE journals, and hundreds of ebooks.