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A selection of suggested media available at McDermott Library

Suggested Media on Consumers and Markets

Retailing Trends in the New Millennium

Kanopy Streaming Video  Some retailing trends of the new millennium include entertainment-oriented shopping centers, themed environments, supermarket expansion into atypical product mixes, designer and manufacturer retail flagships, and the continuous explosion of "off-site retailing" with E-tailing as its centerpiece.

Qualitative Consumer Research Episodes 1-14   

Kanopy Streaming Video  A collection from ECU’s archive of documentaries and teaching films, exploring Qualitative Consumer Research.

Amazon : the truth behind the click 

Kanopy Streaming Video  Panorama goes undercover to find out what happens after we fill our online shopping basket.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Puesto de Mercado o Puesto de Frutas/Market Stand or Fruit Stand by Desconocido, photographed by Bob Schalkwijk                              

Source: Artstor Database