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Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

What Every Student Should Know...

All students will be held responsible for reading and understanding the following statement.

To submit to your instructor a paper or comparable assignment that is not truly the product of your own mind and skill is to commit plagiarism. More bluntly, plagiarism is the act of stealing the ideas and/or expression of another and representing them as your own. It is a form of academic dishonesty which can incur severe penalties. It is important, therefore, that you understand what constitutes as plagiarism, so that you do not unwittingly jeopardize your college career. 



Plagiarism: What Every Student Should Know

From UT Dallas Judicial Affairs

Every student will be held responsible for reading and understanding the following statement.

To submit to your instructor a paper or comparable assignment that is not truly the product of your own mind and skill is to commit plagiarism. To put it bluntly, plagiarism is the act of stealing the ideas and/or expression of another and representing them as your own. It is a form of a cheating and a kind of scholastic dishonesty which can incur severe penalties. It is important, therefore, that you understand what constitutes plagiarism, so that you will not unwittingly jeopardize your college career.

How does academic dishonesty & plagiarism affect UT Dallas?

  • It may affect your grade if scoring is based on a curve.
  • It destroys "equal opportunity" in competitive atmospheres.
  • It hinders development of self-reliance.
  • It affects the reputation of UT Dallas and your particular academic program.