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Library Course Reserves

Library Course Reserves use Leganto. Created by Ex Libris, Leganto is an online application that supports the creation and management of course resource reading lists.

When an instructor completes their list, any item requests must be processed to ensure that the items chosen (especially from the Library's collection) are made available to the students enrolled in the assigned class. This is especially important if the requested items have to be physically put on Course Reserves, need a book chapter digitized, or copyright needs to be verified.

To begin the process, click SEND LIST when you have have finished adding reading materials to your list.


A screen image depicting a finished reading list and highlighting the Send List button.


The status will change from 'Send List' to 'Sent' after submission. When the Library completes processing the list requests, the status will change to 'Complete.'

Publishing a Reading List to eLearning

Whenever any item is added to a reading list, an instructor can manually publish their additions or changes directly to their Library Course Reserves in eLearning through a few simple steps.  

On the right-hand side of the screen, click the ellipsis. Select Publish from the drop-down menu. 


Ellipsis menu displaying Publish at the top


The three options for publishing are: 

  • Course students, i.e. anyone enrolled in your course. This is the default option.
  • All students at the institution, i.e. anyone studying at the University of Texas at Dallas. This might be useful for students considering course choices for their next academic year (e.g. Syllabi or Recommended Reading Lists).
  • Anyone, i.e. either enrolled or not, aka the Public at Large. Select this if you would like anyone to be able to access your list, for example by sharing a permalink. Remember that access to Library e-resources and digitized reading will be restricted to enrolled and approved UTD affiliates.  

Publish List as described in text above.


Choose and click CONFIRM. The status of the reading list (located under the title of the course) will change from 'Draft' to 'Published'. 

The Published status appears just below the title of the reading list.


How to Unpublish a Published List

To unpublish a published list, click the ellipsis again and select Unpublish.

Find an unpublish option in the ellipsis menu.