A groundbreaking resource exclusively devoted to African American family historical research. The collection was created in partnership with leading African American genealogist. The resource contains primary source devoted to African American family history, including census records, vital records, freedman and slave records, church records, and legal records. In addition, the collection has exclusive access to an updated online edition of Black Genesis and has unique access to family history books related to African Americans.
Provides historical full-page digital scans of the El Paso Times 1881- Current (6-day embargo) and the El Paso Herald-Post (1896-1997). The archive covers regional, state, and national topics.
Archive of one of the major US weekly periodicals of the 20th-21st century. Covers major US and global events from 1933 until 2012. Includes full-page digital scans of the periodical, including table of contents and advertisements.
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