Testaments to the Holocaust is a digitized, searchable full-text and image resource. Taken from the Wiener Library in London, England. This unique archive is organized into five sections: eyewitness accounts, photograph collection, propaganda materials, Wiener Library publications, and biographical index cards.
This database provides access to large-scale maps of Texas towns and cities. The maps include information such as the size, shape, and construction materials for urban buildings; heights and functions of structures and property boundaries.
This website provides information about the Texas Legislature from 1989 to the present. When the Texas Legislature is in session, a streaming video of the proceedings is available. The site includes the text of bills, statutes, reports, and voting information. In addition, information about each legislator including their committee assignments, bills authored and sponsored, and a link to personal websites.
The David Straight Memorial Philatelic Union Catalog, hosted by the American Philatelic Research Library, contains records for books, journals, auction catalogs and other library holdings. As a union catalog it enables you to search the holdings of multiple philatelic libraries.
Philatelics is the study and collection of postage stamps and other postal materials.
This database contains detailed information on thousands of theatrical figures, plays, theatres, major productions, and production companies in Canada and the United States, including tens of thousands of images, playbills, postcards, scrapbooks and other resources.
This comprehensive archive begins with the first issue in March 1923 through December 2000. Published Weekly. Time Magazine captured relevant news, political discussions, sports, cultural events, and entertainment from within the United States and around the world.
This current events database allows researchers to explore social, political, and economic issues as well as scientific discoveries and other popular topics. TOPICsearch contains information from international and regional newspapers, periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information.
The Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) is a searchable database of registered and dead U.S. trademarks and applications. It is provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and updated daily.
The Twentieth Century North American Drama database contains a selection of plays from the 1890s through the 20th century. Along with the plays, the database also contains information on theaters and production companies, as well as selected playbills, production photographs, and other materials related to the plays.
The Twentieth-Century Poetry database contains a collection of American Poetry and one of English Poetry. It also includes the works in The Faber Poetry Library.